God Continues To Amaze me!

Today I didnt have brooke so I did a bunch of things that i cant do when i do have her. Well after driving around on my gas light all morning i was gonna stop for gas but i decided not to cuz i wanted to get home and shower cuz i was all gross from working out. So I went home showered and got ready to go back out pick up my picture i dropped off then get some gas in my car. So I was at the gas station, which by the way i was going to put off until the morning before church because I dont like filling up my tank for some odd reason. Well I get out to go prepay and this guy(and his friend) that was standing in front of the gas station he was prolly 22 or 23, was checking me out the whole time walking in and walking out. I was thinking what is with this guy!? He asked me a question on my way back to the gas pump. I have a tattoo on my lower back and i guess u could see alittle of it sticking out of my shirt so he asked me what it was. I told him it was a butterfly and i walked away thinking nothing of it. As I am pumping my gas that guy who asked me about my tattoo's friend came over to me and layed a line on me that I*m guessing he thought i had never heard before. "Has anyone told you today how beautiful you are?" Lame huh? lol Well i replied with a "yea of course" lol joking with him. Anyways he started talking to me and tryin to sell me magazines. He started asking me what i like to do.....do i like to party?.....do i like to go clubbing?? I told how I used to do all that but I have cleaned up my life and how i enjoy to go to church. Well it turns out he and i have similar interests and so it was ez for both of us to talk and i really started to tell him about my past and where im at now and how God has really changed my life! I invited him to church and told him a little about whats going to be going on like water baptism and a lunchion and that Pastor Joe is going to be ordaning other ministers. He actually seemed really interested! He's leaving town 2morro cuz with his job he travels but I*m really hoping and praying that he comes to Empower!!
I just couldnt believe the opprotunity God gave me! 2 times in 1 week! God showed me Andrew's courage and strength when he witnessed to those "thugs" the other day and he gave me the same courage to witness to this guy at the gas station. Its like i hve been talking to God about my faith and he shows me that by my faith in him he provides! He surely provided when i asked him to show me how to be a witness so i can tell others about Him! God is soooo Good!