Hunger Pains

The other day I was so hungry that when I went home I made a big meal of eggs, toast, waffles, bacon, milk and oj!! Needless to say it really hit the spot! Some times I feel like theres a hunger in my spiritual stomach! Thats when i listen to worship music or some preaching and teaching, read a book, or get into His word so i can fill my hunger! God has just been giving me a feast to eat from lately too! I have been so blessed its awesome! He is just doin some great things with my life recently. It seems like everytime I call on Him and ask Him about a certain topic He shows it to me almost immediately! I've really been talkin to God about my faith and how I*ve been feelin like my faith meter was low and how i really need Him to show me and teach me about faith; it seems like everytime i turn on the radio or go to church or read a book or w/e its about faith! He has been opening my eyes to so many things and its awesome! God is showing me first hand that if i ask and believe He will show me the answer and have faith, He does every time, it never fails.
I was just askin God the other day about being a witness to others and how i want him to show me how to do that. Well it never fails that He gave me the opprotunity to see someone do that! Tonight I was over at the Barlow's and after dinner the kids(minus sarah) nancy and i went to the park for a little bit. There were some guys there sitting at the park bench drinkin and doing some things that werent so good, when we were about to leave Andrew came up to us and said he wanted to go talk to those guys about Jesus.(let me tell you, these guys were ghetto/ganster kinda guys so they were kinda scary!) So Nancy started to walk home with the kids and Andrew went over to talk to these guys. I wasnt gonna go over and talk with him bit i felt i should be there with him and atleast be prayin in the spirit. I started to walk over to talk with him to the guys but i stopped and looked at Andrew and i could see this shield in front of him! I just stood there for a minute staring at it! It was clear kinda like a bubble and it went from the top of his head down to the ground! It was the coolest thing ever! Well we talked to these guys for a while, well Andrew talked to them for a while. lol It was awesome tho for me to see him have the guts to walk up and talk to these guys about his faith in Jesus! I mean how cool is that!? And I was just talkin to God about how I want to share my faith with others but I needed him to show me how! God is so good!
Also the other night Sarah, Andrew, Natalie, Josh, and I went to the Faith Confrence at Living Word to hear Jesse Duplantis speak and boy oh boy was I blessed! His message was great! Tomorrow night Creflo Dollar will be speaking and i encourage you to go and get blessed! Have a great weekend!
Debbie Debbie Debbie!!!
I have seen your faith grow in one month so much it is AMAZING!!!!
God is sooooooo faithful!!!
I love you so much!!!
Ps. still haven't gotten that stinkin memo!!!! hehe!!
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