What Am I Gonna Do About It?!?

I Love watching my dad play with brooke! hehe! It is such a blessing having a great realtionship with my dad! I was worried that brooke would never really know her dad b/c when i was pregnant Aaron(brookes dad) wasnt around. I know now that Aaron loves Brooke very much and really enjoys spending time with her and he continues to put my worries and fears behind me as he asks more and more to spend time with Brooke on a regular basis! Although we are still goin through all the court stuff Aaron and I have patched up our relationship and we talk to eachother like the adults that we are. He and I will never be 2gether again and I am totally ok with that b/c i know God has an AMAZING husband already picked out for me! I have also made the decision to not date anymore so I can save my whole heart for my husband. This also helps me to keep my heart where it belongs(with God) for the time being that way when it comes time to give my heart to my husband i will have all of it to give and not just broken pieces left for him. I*m finding that seeking council through friends, listening to preachings and teachings and also getting into God*s word has given me a totally new outlook on dating and relationships! In the past I was always so worried about guys liking me and thinking i was beautiful but I have come to realize that its not about my outward beauty its about the beauty on the inside. Who cares if guys see you when youre not wearing make up or your hair isnt exactly how you want it or if youre not wearing your perfect outfit b/c none of that matters. Your husband is gonna love you for your inside and not your outside(your beauty on the outside is just a bonus, its icing on the cake!). Another thing I*m working on is MODESTY(dun dun dun!!!) lol. I never really understood why girls need to dress appropriatly. Now i do! Girls/Women, we need to help the boys/men from sinning with thier eyes! If we dress "sexy" and have our you know whats hanging out all the time that makes the guys have certain temptations, we cause them to think bad thoughts! I never knew that until someone pointed it out to me! So what am I gonna do about it?! I*m gonna do the right thing and help myself and my brothers in Christ by dressing modestly! Now that doesnt mean you cant look nice either! There are plenty of ways to dress modestly and look beautiful!
Oh and I have to share this with you!!! God is so good! I have really been getting into the word and listening to alot of preaching on Faith b/c in my life i feel like my Faith meter is runnin kinda low. So I have been making Faith lists of things I need in life just little things like essecials(mascara, eyeliner, toothpast, things im running real low on). Neways I*m running low on cash lately since i dont work that much and Aaron doesnt pay child support anymore so I*m REALLY tryin to save! Well last night I looked in the fridge and there was no milk left to give brooke a bottle and no one was home so Brooke and I ran to the store to get some milk. Now heres the thing, I*m down to my last $20 and as I*m walking into the store I told myself no wandering eyes! Don*t be tempted to buy other things!! I have a tendency to wanna spend my money when I shouldnt. So I put Brooke in the cart went to the back of the store got her milk(which was on sale Praise God!) and as I*m walking back to the front to pay i just so happened to go through the make up isle and i wanted so bad to get my eye liner and mascara but I said no to temptation! I was so proud of myself! Ok well when I went to the register and he rang up the milk and i used my Domnicks card to get the sale price the card didnt go though so i used it again and the guy goes ok now it works....guess what the total price of the milk was?! 53cents!!!!
Can you believe that!? I was like what?!?!? That cant be right! It was right! I got some kind of discount for something!!!! I believe God gave me that discount! I didnt have a wandering eye and i didnt submit to temptation and God saw that and blessed me!!! Praise God! Thats all i could say was Praise God! God is so good! Well anyways just thought I would share that!! Have a blessed week!
DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo incredibly proud of you!! You have no idea!!!!! God is doing such an amazing work in your life and things are just going to keep getting better!!!! Love you so much!!! Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!
PS. Yay!! We'll have to start doing "dateless" nights!!! hehe!!
dateless nights sound great...Lake Ellyn? ok! lol!!! love you!!! see ya 2morro!
Bravo Debbie!! Bravo. I, like Sarah am very glad to see you making right choices, be blessed in them and when they get hard....... "Press on toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus".
Bless ya,
PS. you can call your milk story "the milk miracle". I loved it...... God is so good!
The milk Miracle!! I like that! thanks Jake!
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