I Need Your Help!!

Ok so many of you already know I plan on moving to Arizona!! Well I was there for 2 weeks so I could find a job and get settled in. I will be living with my brother and sister in law and nephew Brayden! I'm very excited! Well after I got a job offer I came back to Illinois to get Brooke and our things and also to tell Brooke's father that I am moving with Brooke. I came back on monday night however I got together with brookes dad on tuesday night and let me tell you it did not go well at all! He yelled at me the whole time telling me I*m being selfish by taking Brooke away from him and I*m giving up on life by not staying in IL. I didnt even get the chance to explain my points of view and my reasons because everytime I opened my mouth he would cut me off by getting emotional and either yelling at me or crying. Before I left Arizona I had a chance to talk to a very wise woman named Sandy that my brother introduced me to and she gave me some great advice about all of this, she told me to practice what I was gonna say to him, practice what my face was gonna look like, and prepare myself for the worst possible reaction because if i know how to handle that then i will know how to handle anything. So I did that, I remained calm and kept my face calm and kept my voice and attitude calm, and it worked for me but not for Aaron(brookes dad). He told me he's gonna fight for her. Then he left. Before he left he asked if he could have brooke thursday and friday(today) over night that way he could spend time with her before we leave. I didnt really wanna say yes but i thought it was only fair so i agreed. Later that night when i got home him mother called my house and my mom answer and his mother went crazy on my mom! She said a lot of VERY hurtful things about me! I mean saying that I*m unstable and I*m depressed and that I*m a bad mother along with alot of other things. For 2 hours she ranted and raved on the phone to my mom. I couldnt believe the nerve she had to say what she did. I made a choice then and there that my daughter was not gonna go over to their house for thursday adn friday because Aarons mother could not be trusted and i feared for my daughter. Lets just say Aaron was not too happy about that. And thursday morning at 10:30 am I got served. Court papers that is. Aaron is taking me to court for full custody of my daughter on the grounds that I am immature and irresponsible. I still cant believe all of this. My daughter is my life, my heart, and my pride and joy how could he try and take her from me!! This is the part where I need your help the most....I need all of you to PRAY!!!! Pray like you have never prayed before! Pray that Brooke will not be taken from me! Pray the I find a GREAT lawyer! Also pray that God some how brings me the money to pay for this lawyer seeing as i have none! I need all of you to join with me in believing that God is on my side and He would never let anything happen to me or my little girl! If any of you have any encouraging words I would love to hear them! This is a very emotionally trying time for me right now and I could use all the support I could get. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep me and Brooke in your prayers!!! Thank you so much and I*ll keep you all posted on what happens!! Court starts monday!! I love you all! Thanks again!
HEY!This is natalie cant wait to see you on sunday!
I'm praying for you!
I had to post as Sarah cause you dont allow others to comment and i totally understand why:)
Oh!! Debbie!! WE ARE PRAYING!! Love you so much! God will provide for every area that you're dealing with!! Just keep trusting Him!! He is so faithful! So sorry for all the crap you're going through but there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!! :) Can't wait to see you Sunday!!
Thanks guys!! I cant wait to see you on sunday too! I am looking forward to it alot!! I love you guys!!!
Let me start by saying that I'm not on Aaron's side.
Having said that...... I'm compelled to revert to the teachings of those who care very much about me and have taught me everything I know about love and life and happieness and even the Holy Ghost. *** If you didn't know that last bit is a line from a song***
One of the BEST things "they" taught me was to say (in any situation that I think "I'm right") "maybe I'm wrong". This works wonders because It allows you to step back and look at it from anothers perspective and most importantly you take enough time to ask God what He thinks of your actions or your ideas.
For instance...... Brooke is not only your child. She is the result of TWO people coming together and sharing in what God intended to only happen in a marriage (Marriage: the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a legal, consensual, and contractual relationship recognized and sanctioned by and dissolvable only by law). Since you were never (and sounds like you never will be) merried to Aaron you are not bound by law to him but if you step back and look from his perspctive you might find that he loves Brooke too. Though he might not want to take care of her on a day to day basis Brooke is still his child as much as she is yours. Again I'm not on his side but I really would like to see you to do what God wants and not what seems convient or easy for you. I don't have "the" answer for you but I just want to point you to the One who has All the answers. I know alot of times I choose the easy way out, but the times I've chosen the road I knew to be right in God's eyes, (even though I've made a mistake to be on that road) God has blessed me in it and allowed me to work through the trials of the path I've taken. The result of doing the right thing is ALWAYS WAY WAY more beautiful than taking the easy way.
Remember that it takes TWO to make a baby so though you might want to put the blame on him..... If you take the humble road and say "maybe I'm wrong" you will open the door to God and He is the only one who knows how to deal with this situation. Like "it" says "God is apposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble" James 4:6nasb. (as a brother to his sister in the Lord) You totally want God to give you grace in this one so choose to be humble. Unless you want God to be apposed to you??? (I don't recomend this choice)
Grace and Peace be with you in these trials,
PS. If you want to drop me a note (not in your comments) my e-mail is: treasureme111@hotmail.com
God bless and I'll be praying for you. :-)
Hi Debbie, I'm not sure if you remember me but I believe we were in the CHANGE homeschool group wayyyyyyy wayyy back when, and I saw your blog through Sarah's. Anyways I've read a lot of your entries and wow girl you've been through a lot... I'll definitely keep you & Brooke in my prayers and I hope things go well. By the way the pictures of Brooke on here and Sarah's site are soooo adorable... she is such a cutie. Well God bless & I'll be praying!
Victoria Gorman
Thanks everyone for all ur prayers and support! I love you all!
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