Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I've always heard that I've heard but never really understood. Now i understand it better! After really thinking about it I decided to make a change and stop judging people by thier outward apperance and start seeing them the way God wants us to. It's taken me a while to realize all this but after taking some time away from my worldly friends and spending alot of time to myself and God He started to show me things that He's wanted me to see for a long time. I just wasnt ready to recieve what He wanted to tell me! Now that I've taken time to actually listen to Him its very eye opening for me b/c I can actually hear Him!!
Something awesome happened to me 2night! Lastnight i was praying and talking to God about how I need Him to show me whether it be from His word or thru church I just need Him to show me about prayer because i can never tell if I'm doing it right! Well 2night when I went to PFC(Praise Fellowship Church) it turns out the whole message was about prayer and different ways of praying how cool! God showed me that he really was listening to me. The whole time during the message 2night i was thinking about how perfect it was !!
That's sooo awesome Debbie!!
I'm so excited for you!!
God is doing incredible things!!
So great seeing you last night!!:)
It was great seeing you Debbie!!! And that message was amazing!!! wow...
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