The very first time I saw The Passion of the Christ I balled my eyes out wondering how people can do that to the person they love and know to be the true Christ!? How can people be so cruel to someone so kind and how can they be so nice to the people who have treated them so badly? Needless to say that movie got me thinking about what its going to be like when the anti christ comes into existence. Like how the left behind series shows us a glimpse of what it might be like, its mind baffling! It makes you think that if a total stanger can fool everyone like the anti christ does then can someone u think is your closest friend be doing that same thing? But then it got me thinking even more......am I just fooling everyone? does anyone really know me? Am I good at keeping people at a distance? Am I also fooling myself? Well for one thing the only person who I am not fooling is God. He knows what struggles i go through daily on the inside and on the outside. I can't hide anything from him!!!!! That means he sees all the good and bad things i do through out my day! uh oh! Lets just say I dont always do whats right!!! But I'm workin on it! I strive to be a Godly woman. Let me tell you though it is a struggle to be like this in a world that tells us its cool to have sex, dress promiscuous and do drugs! Finding friends that help you stay accountable is not always easy either! Even friends at church struggle with these same issues on a daily basis. So where is a girl to turn when she feels trapped by society and thier harsh views? Well God of course! That is something that I have always been taught in church but struggled with actually turning to God when i truely needed him! As I get older and I'm faced with more adult situations I'm finding it easier to turn to God and cry out for his wisdom and guidence for my life. It's also nice to have some friends with thier spiritual head on thier shoulders. lol!
Hey Debbie!! Awesome post!! :)
Yeah I cried soo hard when I first saw the movie too! Wow!
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