Very Challenging Morning

Lets just say this morning it was very hard to keep my joy. I was determined to make it to church no matter what, well first off my gas light was on when i started my car then when i got to the gas station i didnt have the right credit card then on my way to church there was some motorcycle event happening so i waited over 10 mins at an intersection when i finally decided to go left then realizing i didnt know how to get to church that way so i called my parents in tears from frustration. After taking the directions my dad gave me i found out that the stupid motorcycle guys were also taking my short cut! Grrrr! I couldnt get a break!!!! FINALLY...I made it to church a little late but just in time for the part of praise and worship that i really needed to hear. its like God wanted me to have all of the obsticles that i did today so that i can better apreciate what he has for me. The song that came on during praise and worship that i needed to hear went something like this..."Lord i give you my heart I give You my soul, I live for you alone, every breath that i take, every moment I'm awake, Lord have your way in me." I believe God wanted to me to hear that song and realize that when he throws us hard situations that test our patience that we just need to give it up to him and remember that he is here for us all we have to do is just cry out to God and he will answer us. Well if God was testing me today i dont think i passed, but i did learn a lesson and i caught his point. Its ok to have a bad day sometimes as long as we dont dwell on it and as long as we realize God is here for us!!! Call out his name and he will be there to take your hand and guide you!!!
Oh wow!
What a day!!
So awesome that you still made it! :)
I LOVE that song too!
Great post Debbie!!!!!
aww thanks drew!
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